Ministry in A New Reality

November 2019


And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” ~ Hebrews 10:24-25
In the midst of the power outages and the threat of wildfire that only accentuate the culture of disconnection that we already live in, I find myself ministering in a new reality.  Gone are the normal rhythms of kids going to school five days a week, of seeing people each Sunday in worship and of activities you can count on.  Instead, opportunities to hang out at a park, to play board games by candlelight, to work hard when you can because you don’t know when and for how long you will have power.  All of this is a part of my own new reality and while yours may be different, all of us feel some level of difficulty and destabilization recently.  So how do we navigate this new/present reality in faith so that we can grow through our present experiences verses feeling diminished by them?  Here are a few thoughts… 

1) The Importance of Gratitude
God answered our prayers for the wind to calm down, at least in our area, where predictions were much worse.  As we looked at Mark 4:35-41 this Sunday and Jesus’ words to the wind and the waves, “Quiet, be still!” we saw the wind become calm outside while we gathered for worship.  Having visited friends in Sonoma County who had to evacuate their homes this past week I am aware that things could be much worse.  We have much to be thankful for even as we pray for our friends in other parts of the state.
2) The Importance of Service
I am seeing our community support one another with love and good deeds.  This has been demonstrated by a group splitting wood for a single mom, providing a ride to church, a caring phone call, or the service of our first responders.  Finding ways to serve others who are also struggling with fear of fires and loss of power can be a powerful expression of faith and trust in God amidst uncertain times.
3) The Importance of Gathering
Our worship gatherings have been joyful even if smaller.  Worshiping without electrical power gives us an opportunity to do things in a paired down acoustic style that can serve as a refreshing rhythm that breaks up our normally technologically supported services.  Getting back to the basics of worship, such as singing a cappella, reading and hearing God’s Word, sharing stories of how God has revealed himself to us, and praying for God to be at work in our present circumstances in powerful ways have all been important parts of our worship gatherings.  More than ever your participation in worship becomes a source of encouragement to your fellow travelers at Sierra Pres. and profound witness to our surrounding community.
Whether it is through gathering in worship, growing together in smaller groups, giving of yourself in love for others, or going out into the community and beyond to reflect the good news, there are plenty of opportunities to make the most of opportunities for ministry in our new reality.